Facing ever shrinking budgets and an increasing number of students each year, our schools are struggling to find ways to cut costs. More school districts are turning to self-funded health plans to save money. Unfortunately this still leaves the problem of high emergency room utilization impacting the school districts’ claims data and resulting in continually… [Read More…]
Let’s Talk About Telemedicine for Schools…
Let’s look at telemedicine for schools as a solution for the increasing burden on budgets due to rising healthcare costs…. Our schools are facing a constant struggle to stretch their already thin budgets farther each year. The economic recession of 2007 caused the federal government to cut or cutback on funding for many programs and services. One casualty… [Read More…]
2 Ways to Maximize Value in a Self-Funded Medical Plan
http://www.benefitnews.com/opinion/2-ways-to-maximize-value-in-a-self-funded-medical-plan By Bruce F. Barr Published April 26 2016, 1:51pm EDT Much has been written about self-funding strategies for employers. Typically, these articles focus on fundamental elements such as understanding and selecting the best contract type, using tiered provider networks, developing and monitoring a well-thought-out and perpetual wellness strategy, as well as the unique flexibility… [Read More…]
How Telemedicine Can Help Schools in the Fight to Save Money on Healthcare
With the arrival of summer comes the end of the school year. Now is the time to discuss telemedicine. Most schools are looking at their healthcare plan offerings for next year right now. They will be starting to make these decisions in May, so talk to them now about how telemedicine can help schools save money… [Read More…]
Let’s Talk About Launching Telemedicine Off-Cycle
We are launching many new clients with 2/1 and 3/1 enrollment dates. Let’s take a closer look and see why launching “off-cycle” like this can be a tremendous strategy for success… We’ve had a number of partners tell us lately that they have clients that are a “perfect fit” for our telemedicine service, but they… [Read More…]
7 Truths about the Telemedicine Market
1. It’s all about the utilization Telemedicine comes in a lot of shapes and sizes, but the universal truth is that if nobody uses it, then there is no value to the employer or to the employee. It’s a crowded market, but the companies and platforms that deliver the highest utilization will be the cream… [Read More…]
Telemedicine Making Headlines Recently…
By now, as an average user of technology tools, you’re used to video chatting with family, scheduling restaurant or other kinds of appointments online, purchasing sports or concert tickets from your phone, and much more. Technology has dramatically broadened the scope of consumer expectations, communications and capabilities. Healthcare is keeping pace on the consumer tech front via “telemedicine”,… [Read More…]
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Article: Is Telemedicine Improving Your Healthcare?
Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently authored an article on how telemedicine has been improving your current healthcare needs to date. This is an effective tool to see how exactly telemedicine has been contributing to your local doctor’s office and hospitals. With these services already being rendered at healthcare sites, bringing them in-home with AllyHealth can now… [Read More…]
Great Forbes Article: Why Telemedicine’s Time has Finally Come
In case you missed it this week, there was a great article in Forbes magazine on telemedicine. As a telemedicine company, AllyHealth loves to see the growing and widespread recognition that our industry is finally maturing and that telemedicine is just an idea that makes too much sense to ignore! From the article: “Telemedicine may… [Read More…]
Telemedicine information
Telemedicine, or the delivery of healthcare through digital technology, has the potential to save the healthcare system and employers throughout the U.S. substantial amounts of time and money. There are two major trends in place today in the employer healthcare markets that align extremely well with the benefits that telemedicine can offer. First, many businesses… [Read More…]