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Telemedicine information

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Telemedicine, or the delivery of healthcare through digital technology, has the potential to save the healthcare system and employers throughout the U.S. substantial amounts of time and money. There are two major trends in place today in the employer healthcare markets that align extremely well with the benefits that telemedicine can offer. First, many businesses… [Read More…]

Telemedicine’s Popularity Grows

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With the advancement in the telecommunication technology, it has become easier to reach out to the people at remote places and offer them assistance they need. Whether you are a student looking for effective career counseling or a business man looking for business solutions, every service can be procured from the comfort of the home… [Read More…]

Telemedicine as an Employee Benefit

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You have probably heard by now about the increasing popularity of telemedicine, or telehealth, an employee health benefit (not insurance!) that can be added to your current benefits plan structure which gives your employees the ability to call a real doctor in their state anytime, anywhere if they are sick.  The buzz on telemedicine is picking… [Read More…]
