
2 Ways to Maximize Value in a Self-Funded Medical Plan

posted by By Bruce F. Barr Published April 26 2016, 1:51pm EDT Much has been written about self-funding strategies for employers. Typically, these articles focus on fundamental elements such as understanding and selecting the best contract type, using tiered provider networks, developing and monitoring a well-thought-out and perpetual wellness strategy, as well as the unique flexibility… [Read More…]

Telemedicine information

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Telemedicine, or the delivery of healthcare through digital technology, has the potential to save the healthcare system and employers throughout the U.S. substantial amounts of time and money. There are two major trends in place today in the employer healthcare markets that align extremely well with the benefits that telemedicine can offer. First, many businesses… [Read More…]

Telemedicine offerings on the rise by third party administrators

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Telemedicine offerings on the rise by third party administrators (TPA’s) as self-funded employers prepare for the high costs associated with health care reform. This unconventional approach to patient-doctor visits is using the latest technology to avoid many unnecessary trips for urgent care, and offering people a new level of convenience and flexibility. People’s needs for anytime… [Read More…]

Reduce Employee Medical Costs with Telemedicine

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Organizations everywhere are looking for ways to increase profitability and reduce employee medical costs, especially if they are self-funded. A great way to help reduce medical employee costs is by using options that will decrease the need to see a primary care physician or health care provider for simple health issues like the flu, sore… [Read More…]
