As we wrap up the summer season, most Small and Medium size Businesses (SMBs) are starting to look toward the fall and open enrollment periods. Now is when decisions are starting to be made about changes in healthcare plan offerings. This is the time to discuss benefits of telemedicine for SMBs. Talking to your SMB… [Read More…]
Telemedicine for SMBs
How are companies Driving Telemedicine Utilization
Technological advances over the last few decades have given way to a significant rise in the use of telemedicine services. Video conferencing and smart phones allow more people access to healthcare anywhere, anytime. Driving telemedicine utilization is what will result is maximum ROI for employers. Telemedicine is a valuable service that can save patients and… [Read More…]
Telemedicine: The Perfect Benefit for SMBs
Today more than ever, employee benefits are an important tool for small and medium-sized businesses (“SMBs”) to attract and retain quality employees, and the right benefits mix can be a game-changer in today’s competitive employment market. Employees want “fortune 500 benefits” that are easy to use, keep them (and their families) happy and healthy, and… [Read More…]