During the annual open enrollment period, businesses are looking at what new health plan will be offered to their employees for 2017. Now is when decisions are being made about changes in healthcare plan offerings. This is the time to discuss telemedicine. Employers look to their insurance professionals for expert advice during this time. Telemedicine during open enrollment is the perfect solution to their rising healthcare cost concerns.
What are employers concerned about?
Today, health insurance is an important benefit for employers to be able to attract and retain quality employees. Employees are putting more weight on the benefits being offering by a potential employer when making employment decisions. Flexibility and value is important to potential new employees and healthcare is no exception.
Productivity is also a concern for all employers. Many employers are making the move to offer health benefits that focused on improving employee health and wellness and provide better access to quality healthcare. When employees have better access to quality healthcare they are healthier. Healthier employees lead to lower employee absence rates. Lower employee absence rates result in increased productivity.
So how do employers balance cost and value? How do they provide benefits that allow them recruit and retain talented employees? What can they do to ensure a healthy and productive workforce without raising healthcare costs to the company? How do insurance professionals provide products that will fit all their clients’ needs?
The solution: Telemedicine during open enrollment
Telemedicine is a unique healthcare delivery method that is changing the landscape of healthcare. It can allow employers to provide a quality, valuable and convenient benefit to their employees, and keep costs low for the company. Telemedicine also provides insurance professionals with a product that is a perfect fit for clients of all sizes.
The open enrollment period is now and employers are looking at what healthcare plan options to offer next year. Decision will be made by over the next few weeks. Make sure you are there to talk to your clients about telemedicine during open enrollment, and how it can help them save money and provide a valuable benefit to their employees.
Call us today to discuss your client needs and we can help put together a customized proposal to show how AllyHealth telemedicine during open enrollment can help them, and their employees, save time and money.
In Good Health,
Ron Douglass
CEO, AllyHealth